Friday, September 24, 2010

What are DRAs?

During the past week, students completed a special kind of assessment with Mrs. Smith during Reading Workshop.  The assessment is called a DRA or Developmental Reading Assessment.  This is a reading assessment used by teachers to figure out the reading strategies and skills a developing reader uses fluently and with ease.  The DRA also helps a teacher determine the short term and long term reading goals needed for each child so the most effective reading lessons can be developed in the future. 

The DRA is not for a grade;  it is to establish a baseline understanding of each child's reading development.  The gathered information is used to support and cultivate learning over time.  It is a performance-based tests.  Students read a selection and then demonstrate their understanding of the text by answering comprehension questions  Students share their understanding through discussion and in writing.  The teacher listens to the child read in order to see literacy skills in action, to check for reading fluency, and to determine independent and instructional text levels.  Knowing these levels helps a teacher match kids to just-right books for independent reading and for supported instruction.

DRAs are a priceless tool for understanding your child as a reader and information about your child's reading development will be shared during our October conferences.  Until then, keep reading, keep talking about books, and enjoy all kinds of books together.

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