We cannot believe that a month has passed since our last blog post! So much learning and so many celebrations occur in IMA that we need to take time each week to post the news to our families. Consider this an early New Year's Resolution.
Veterans' Day is a tricky celebration with younger students. As their knowledge of wars, soldiers, and service is within the childhood experience, we decided that we could honor our veterans while building an understanding of what it means to serve one's country. Here are a few of the experiences shared on Friday's Veterans' Day by our IMA students.
Starting with a video selected by Mrs. Marlatt, students explored why our service men and women are valued.
Then students had a chance to visit and explore a day in the life of different soldier and veterans serving various communities. A nurse, a helicopter pilot were just a few of the people shared in the presentation.
You can revisit the sites here:
After learning about many different lives in the military, students worked as History Detectives. Research teams used a variety of artifacts and learned the identity of a World War II veteran.
The photos show the variety of artifacts used to explore and discover the identity of Mrs. Marlatt's father.
The students truly enjoyed using the real-world artifacts to explore the life of a soldier.
To find out more about our further studies for Veterans' Day, read the next blog post and find out how Veterans' Day and the value of choices and freedom were explored during the literacy portion of our Friday.